How to Score a Perfect 360/360 in NEET 2021 Biology ?

How to Score a Perfect 360/360 in NEET 2021 Biology ?

NEET has 180 questions in total with the maximum marks that can be scored is 720, where Physics and Chemistry have 45 questions each while Biology carries 360 marks, with 90 questions in total. Hence, for you to score 360 in biology, you must get all 90 questions from Botany and Zoology subsections bang on.


Exam Related:

  • Be cool and controlled
  • Read the question paper thoroughly
  • Based on reflection action authentically answer could be given.
  • Leave questions where you have any ambiguity in the first attempt.
  • Cross check your answer sheets carefully.

For Entire Year:

  • Have a good plan and schedule for study and revision
  • Be motivated
  • Be consistent tor the entire year

Please do not waste your time now by reading some useless quotes just focus on NCERT and then solve the previous year questions, that is enough; Even can score 360/360 theoretically.

All the very best !

If you feel any doubt about related this, feel free to talk to our expert.

May I help You !

If you feel any doubt about related this, feel free to talk to our expert.

Preparation Related Tips

  • Understanding of NCERT of should be 100%.
  • Prepare all flow charts and diagrams etc.
  • Each and every line of NCERT book should be in your memory by reading again and again.
  • All important points to be noted and kept the memory as ready reckons.
  • Again and again revision should be done
  • All 32 years questions papers to solve
  • At least one objective tests books set to solve and practice within the time limit
  • Need to appear in any good online test series
  • As a reference book can follow Truman Biology for collecting beyond NCERT topics.

Pro Tips

Do not forget to study the “summary” section provided at the end of each chapter. It has some points which students usually tend to miss out on.

Here is a list of some other books you can refer to for NEET Biology-

  • Objective NCERT at your fingertips – MTG
  • NCERT Exemplar
  • Trueman’s biology
  • Arihant
  • Cengage

The day before Exam:

  • Be relaxed
  • Have a good sleep
  • Have a light revision
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How to Score 160+ in Chemistry in NEET 2021

How to Score 160+ in Chemistry in NEET 2021

NEET is the national-level Medical Entrance exam for the aspirants to get admission in MBBS/BDS Courses in various government or private medical colleges affiliated by Medical Council of India.

Chemistry needs one to remember a lot of formulas, reactions, equations, etc. So, as you study, jot down the equations, reactions and formulas. Students need to first focus on gaining understanding of fundamental concepts then you make master and Practice the reactions and equations regularly; otherwise, they will forget.

  1. Work Smartly: Under the NEET and AIIMS chemistry section, you can categorize the questions under three parts: physical, organic, and inorganic and the secret of mastering them is to treat them as separate subjects and make different study plan.
  2. Solve a lot of NEET Question Papers & Mock Tests: When you solve mock and previous years’ question papers, you understand the pattern and style of questions asked.  It help you to grasp concepts and to learn application of concepts which is very important for competitive exam. Solving question papers will always help you get high marks.
  3. Practice, Practice, & Practice: Chemistry is rooted in the concepts and numbers. The only way to excel in the NEET/AIIMS chemistry section is with practice. Read the chapters as often as you can, practice the balancing and numerical every day, make notes, and then quiz yourself on what you’ve learned. The more you practice, the higher is success rate in the examinations.

Start with NCERT, don’t try to understand them, just read them 2-2 times like a novel, which will give you a fair idea about the chapter, in the next chapter and chapter of all the important equations given Find the values ​​of the constant constants on the page. Read them from the important and repeated chapter on the page.

I hope you do well in your Exams !

If you follow the above mentioned points I am very sure that you will be doing great; even can score 160+ in chemistry.

Success Mantra !

If you follow the above mentioned points I am very sure that you will be doing great; even can score 160+ in chemistry.

With just about 8 months left for the exam, you all must be prepared in your own ways. To help you score better, we have listed down the importance of Chemistry section and how can you score 160+ in this section.

  1. Follow the Right Books: Reference material is your main weapon in the quest to score 160+ in chemistry. If the weapon is in poor shape, forget about success. Get the NCERT books, they help you form a solid base upon which your building of preparation will stand. In addition to this, you can have these reference books-
  • Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon
  • Physical Chemistry by P. Bahadur
  • Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd (For reaction mechanisms)
  • Organic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon
  • Organic Chemistry Objective by Arihant (for practicing problems)
  • Inorganic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry (For Chemical Bonding, Atomic Structure, and Coordination Chemistry)
  1. Important Concepts: Here we list down some-important, not-to-be-missed topics-
  • Chemical bonding and molecular structure
  • Thermodynamics
  • Equilibrium
  • General organic chemistry (GOC)
  • Mole concept
  • Electrochemistry
  • Coordination compounds
  • Aldehyde, Ketone and Carboxylic acids
  • Block elements
  • Atomic structure
  • Hydrocarbons
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How to Score 100/100 Marks in Maths ?

How to Score 100/100 Marks in Maths ?

Mathematics is one of the most important subjects. It plays an integral role from competitive exams to for board exams . This subject needs a lot of practice.

Mathematics is subject which helps in developing a rational thinking and a logical approach in students. following are some tips to improve your score in maths and  help you achieve full marks in maths.


During Examination:

  1. Neat & Clean Paper with Proper Margin: You should keep in mind that the examiner needs to understand each and every step how you have arrived at an answer and unfortunately he does not have much time to dedicate on a single problem. Keep your paper free from cutting and overwriting, and draw clean margins to do the rough work.
  2. Figures & Graphs: Figures and graphs can fetch you easy marks if made with a little concentration. For this, keep a ruler which has sharp and smooth side and a pencil which is well sharpened. These, if you have practised well, constitute the simplest parts of the exam and you can aim to finish this as soon as you get your paper.
  3. Simple Questions first: Read the question paper thoroughly before you start solving the questions. While it is natural to be stuck on the questions which you find unfamiliar but you must remember that you have to finish your examination in a stipulated time. In order to achieve 100/100 marks in maths, you much strategize to first finish the questions you know and then move on to the unfamiliar questions.

To achieve 100/100 marks in maths, Understand the basic concept first and then try solving as many problems as possible. Remember that there are no shortcuts in maths!

It is not like the subject of language, in which anything can happen. And that's why it is definitely possible to score 100/100 in Maths.

For more information !

It is not like the subject of language, in which anything can happen. And that’s why it is definitely possible to score 100/100 in Maths.

All The Best !

During Exam Preparations:

  1. Smart Work : Maths is all about theorems, concepts and formulae, and it always wise to keep them handy. You can read and brush them up even when you are on the move and this practice also comes to rescue when you are having a last minute revision.
  2. Solve Problems Yourself: Whereas it is good to go through and understand different types of problems, it is very important to solve them yourself. Knowing theories and concept is necessary but to learn their application is inescapable if you want to score full marks in maths. You have to solve each by yourself, minimum 3-4 times over the course of time.
  3. Understand your Syllabus:Understanding your portions and the weightage attached to different sections helps you in deciding how much time to dedicate to each section. For example, if you know that there will be just a 5 marks question from a particular section, you do not have to dedicate a week practicing those sums.
  4. Practice & Practice :are a good way to mentally prepare yourself for what you are going to get in the exams. The more you solve these, more confidence you will gain towards your achievement of scoring the highest score. Also, it is important to understand that you need not wait for your syllabus to finish before you start solving these.
  5. Manage your Time: It is not easy to be a maths champion. You must take out some time every day to solve mathematical problems in order to score 100/100 marks in maths, even when you have dedicated a particular day to some other subject.
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How to Stay Motivated During Exam Season ?

5 Quick Tips to Stay Motivated During Exams | Explore Success Mantras

The ability to get motivated for study is one of the important thing which can help an aspirant for improving the study level and grades. A positive and motivated aspirant can perform hundred times better than a nervous and feared student.

Here we are sharing an article on How to Stay Motivated during Exams? to help the students in improving their chances of achieving success.

  1. Manage a ‘To Do List’ – A Wonderful Way to Succeed: Handling a to-do list can be a great ‘Backup’ to get quick details about your performance level. Some students think that making a to-do list is a complete waste of time but when you study with the help of a perfectly managed to-do list, you find yourself far less stressed with a load of exams.
  2. Exercise Daily – The Biggest Asset to Boost Motivation: Work out is an excellent way to enhance your motivation to study for exams. When you exercise, your body will release a chemical called ‘endorphins’ which helps to reduce your stress and triggers a positive feeling in your body.

 Aspirants who are going to appear in the examination must do exercise to take following benefits:

  • Boosted Self-Confidence
  • Reduced Stress
  • Better Sleep
  • Depleted Anxiety and Depression

So, if you want to get focused during your exams, start doing exercise regularly.

  1. Keep Away the Negative Thoughts: Negative thinking can affect your concentration and reduce your tendency to perform well in study as well as in exams.
  2. Do What Works the Best for You! Finding Study Buddy or Study Alone: A good study buddy is a person who will help you during your exam preparations. So, try to study with your friend or create a study group. Do whatever suits best on you.
  3. Reward Yourself – A Secret Mantra to Enhance Exam Motivation: Sometimes, the best motivation is the reward that you give yourself when you achieve something. Set some short-term goals and whenever you achieve them, give yourself a reward. It’s the essential thing to keep yourself motivated.

I hope these points will help you... !!! Best of luck for your future !!!

Why is Exam Motivation Important ?

 You can realise the power of Exam Motivation from these following points-

  • Motivation can be the strongest pillar of your success.
  • Motivation leads you to put your efforts in the right direction.
  • It increases your determination to study.
  • It helps to increase your intellectual ability.
  • It fuels your brain with positivity.
  • It boosts up your self-confidence.
  • Motivation helps to take control on your negative thoughts.
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How to Boost Your Memory & Brain Power ?

10 Simple Habits To Boost Your Memory & Brain Power

In today’s fast-paced world, everybody is busy in their work without taking rest to become successful. We are performing multiple tasks at the same time to avoid the wastage of time.

Among all these tasks you don’t even understand that your health is facing harmful results. One of the bad effects is that it weakens your memory power.


How can we increase/boost our memory power?

Following are the 10 most important solutions which should be involved in your daily routine to boost up your memory power:-

  1. Eating habits: You could solve the problems related to weak memory by following healthy eating habits. You can change or add some items to daily food which could help you to improve your memory.
  • Our brain needs glucose constantly which can be received by grains, green leafy vegetables, and colorful fruits. If the glucose level declines, you start getting confused. So add all these items in your daily food.
  • Eat ample of citrus fruits because they have vitamin C which is very useful in recovering the problem of memory lapse.
  • Nuts and seeds can also be a great supplement for the problem. Almonds have amazing results in increasing memory.
  • All green vegetables, especially broccoli and spinach should be added to your diet.
  • Drink more milk as it will result in better concentration power, learning ability, retain memories, etc. So make it habit to drink milk at least one time a day.
  • Have tea at least one time a day. Tea has a little amount of caffeine, which enhances memory power. Make sure you are using tea leaves not powdered tea because powdered tea is not that much effective.
  • All colorful/seasonal fruits should be there with your daily food.
  1. Get organized: It is more apparent that you forget things when you don’t have a synchronized or planned schedule for your daily tasks. So start getting organized.
  • Firstly, make a timetable which you have to follow daily. Write down the tasks which you have to perform so that it will be in your mind.
  • Writing down information can help you memorize them easily and also increase your memory level.
  1. Get proper night’s sleep: A good night’s sleep plays an important role consolidate all the memories. You need at least 7-8 hours’ sleep daily. Your brain thinks well when you are rested. A relaxed brain can focus more and store information which can be used in future.
  • A proper night’s sleep can help you at work or study time. You won’t feel sleepy at day time, which help you get rid of confusions.
  • Scientists say that when you sleep, your memories and information shift to the permanent side of the brain.
  1. Master some good skills: Studies say that if your mind is engaged in some skills in which you have mastered or we can say that if you have a good hobby then you should use your spare time in practicing that hobby.
  2. Learn before sleeping: The best way to store a memory is to experience or undergo the information or data before you go to bed.
  3. Exercise more: You can choose any workout like swimming, dancing, stretching, running, cycling, etc. These exercises should be done at least for 30 minutes a day.
  •  While exercising nerve cells multiplies and proteins are released which helps with a constant and healthy flow of blood. As a result, brain gets required fuel on time which makes it work efficiently.
  1. Stay mentally active/ Play brain games: To stay mentally fit you should play some games that get your brain engaged. It can be treated as a mental exercise which could help boost your memory and your brain will remain in good shape and mental state.
  2. Meditation: According to studies, it is proved that the brain and its memory power start to decline in your twenties and then it continuously declines.
  • The meditation releases positive energies which are necessary to improve your learning skills, memory power and improves mental health.
  1. Avoid multitasking: You should avoid multitasking for the healthy working of your brain. As you are busy with your work schedule and this lead you to do a lot of work at the same time. But this results in making you prone to making errors, getting confused between them, and thus you develop forgetfulness.
    1. Balance your stress: Stress is the most dangerous reason for you to damage the capacity of your brain to store and retrieve data and information. It can be considered as the worst enemy of human. It destroys the brain cells which cannot lead you to permanent memory loss.

    These were some simple activities and methods which you can follow in your daily lives to keep your mind healthy and relaxed. So if you’re serious about improving your memory, go and start including these activities in your daily habits.  

    I hope these points will help you... !!! Best of luck for your future !!!

    Did you know what your Memory is all about? Read Below…

     If we talk about memory and its importance for human beings, we can look for the facts described by the doctors that Human brain is the most difficult and multifaceted structure. According to them: –

    • Among all the vertebrates, the brain is the most important part.
    • It weighs about 1.5 kg and consists of 80% water, 10-12% fatty lipids and 8% protein.
    • It’s the center of our nervous system. It allows them to accumulate all the data and information, send them to all body parts to follow the instruction and also store them as Memory for the future implementation.
    • The human brain is just 2% of the whole body weight.
    • It uses 20-25% of the body’s nutrition, glucose, and oxygen as supplements, which are supplied with the help of continuous blood flow.

    What are the reasons for Memory lapses/ weakening?

    The most important reason of poor memory power is that you are not organized in the tasks which you perform in your daily life. You are not following a systematic lifestyle or schedule of your works.

    • Habit of taking too much medicine like sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medications, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and painkillers can result in memory lapses.
    • Depression is one of the main reasons which can leave a negative effect on your memory. It can cause problems like lack of attention, concentration etc.
    • Stressful lifestyle can also be a reason for poor memory.
    • Sometimes anger could be a reason for the lack of memory. Anger leads you to get irritated and so become confused.
    • If you ignore your emotional side of nature, this will also lead to memory loss. To being normal you have to give importance to your emotions.
    • One of the main reasons is getting addicted to drugs and alcohol.
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    Smart Preparation Strategy for NEET Chemistry

    Smart Preparation Strategy for NEET Chemistry

    The world of chemistry is a mysterious world, because in chemistry, especially the inorganic chemistry  is completely phenomenal and the response of the organic is to Masha  Allah as,  it increases the negative and confusing reactions in the student’s brain. How can i miss it? What is its shortcut? can’t understand. Despite all this, chemistry is easy.

    How to prepare for NEET Chemistry This is a compilation of all expert tips and tricks, which I found useful, I am sharing it. Reading these tips for NEET Chemistry preparation will help you to prepare for the exam in an organized manner.

    1. The Key to Success is Practice: Nothing can be obtained when it is not in the routine, because when you look for something you have to pay for it daily. Be it equations, thermodynamics / solutions or numerical from organic practice; Practicing daily is the only key to being able to process all of this.
    2. The Concept Needs to be Clarified: The concept is never such a part that you can read it and get it. The concept is all that has to be understood and which clings to your brain forever. Chemistry is a matter of concepts; One who is good with the concept can know chemistry better. Once you clearly see each concept for what it is all about, you will be ready for the next step.
    3. Time Distribution: You have 180 minutes to answer 180 questions, but not necessarily 1 minute per question because each question carries a different difficulty level. Use Anjit Academy Practice Tests to be regular with your preparation and know what time you can balance per question.
    4. Study Inorganic Chemistry Throughout the Year: It is major Misconception that inorganic chemistry is all about mugging up and it must be done only at the last moment before the examination. Well, this is not applicable to many. You must try to learn them by heart, little at a time throughout the year. It will become instilled in you, thus making it difficult for you to forget the exam anxiety even. It will also help you focus on other things more evenly before exams.
    5. NCERT & Reference Book: NCERT book and syllabus, the core tool for NEET preparation, the whole questions are based on this specific book. The key role is to get familiar with every topic, shake palms with each jargons and terms of chemistry and make mind the store house of chemical reactions too. For being consistent with above mentioned factors, it’s important to practice chemistry on a daily routine.
    6. Don’t Try New things Just a few Day ago: If you are studying untouched chapters or unplanned syllabus in the last few days before the exam, then you need to know that these times are very important. Any new information you learn should be retrieved, reviewed and reinforced within 24 hours. If you fail to do so, you have lost 80 percent of the information learned. Science says so.
    7. Stop Getting Negative Thoughts: You may think that I can do this, or I cannot, many ideas are prevalent during the entire year of preparation. But you only need to do one important task, think less and start working more. You cannot ignore the hard days to come, but you can maintain your confidence and be determined to face it. When we are talking about competition, the first step is to end the “if or but” thinking, then just get ready and create your routine and let the wheels run smoothly over time.
    8. Last Week Revision: In fact, the topics are only going to happen to you after revising the chapters you have studied. Students usually skip the modification tasks, but this is not going to help. Revision is a single step that you need to take during preparation.
    9. Take Care of Your Health: Ultimately you need to physically fit and healthy to carry out any of the advice said before. So try to eat as much healthy and non-spicy food from a week before exams. Drink a lot of water and Keep calm and give this blog a few minutes, it can help you relax and will make your brain function fully. Sleeping for proper time is essential for good health and mind. You need to take a good nap for 7-8 hours daily to stay healthy, and that will help you to concentrate for the whole day.

    Cheer up students, Anjit Academy is standing behind to help you whenever you feel low during your preparation time. At last but not last, everyone in the world can only give you suggestions, but it will always be you who has to walk down the path.

    !!! Best Wishes, do well !!!

    Out of 180 questions in the NEET question paper, 45 will be on Chemistry. Candidates with a decent hold on the subject can easily score 100 to 120 marks in NEET. The foremost thing that one should keep in mind here is that NEET Chemistry section has a weightage of 25% in the examination. Not devoting enough time to this section may cost you marks and may keep you from taking admission into your dream college.

    The first thing to keep in mind for NEET exam is that the paper is simple. No questions are nature considerations nor are they designed to select the one with the highest IQ score. For chemistry, it is most important to first go through the previous year’s question paper and pay attention to the pattern of the questions. They are mostly designed with a simple twist, but the allotted time (180 questions in 180 minutes) is given different times.

    Other Important Tips

    There are a few things & tips that you can use to study chemistry successfully, which will make your study both systematic and effective. The thing to always remember is that the study pattern works differently for different people. The key is to find tips that maximize your learning and study patterns.

    There are a few things & tips that you can use to study chemistry successfully, which will make your study both systematic and effective. The thing to always remember is that the study pattern works differently for different people. The key is to find tips that maximize your learning and study patterns.

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    How to Boost Your Preparation for NEET Biology ?

    How to Boost Your Preparation for NEET Biology ?

    Biology is considered a high scoring subject by medical aspirants. As per NEET analysis, most of the questions based on NCERT syllabus are of difficulty level. To understand this section, intensive practice of diagram based questions is necessary, along with a strong conceptual understanding.

    When you are focusing on biology, 300+ should be your objective. Is it really possible to score above 300 out of 360, this is the main question? Having closely monitored the examination pattern and the attitude of the students towards the subject in previous years, we can say with confidence that this can be done. But what important things do you need if you want to get that number?

    1. Read & re-Read NCERT: Revise your NCERT textbooks at least 3-4 times before the exam. Pay attention to each line in the NCERT textbook. Solve all NCERT questions as well as examples. Create your own flowchart and will for quick and accurate memorization during the exam.
    2. Focus on Diagrams & Revise: Education is not enough. You need to revise and keep practicing. Make it a point to practice NEET questions to improve your understanding of concepts.
    • Many questions in the Biology section are based on diagrams. Practice all the diagrams from NCERT textbooks and learn to label them well. In-depth knowledge and proper practice of diagram based questions is definitely going to strengthen your preparation for NEET biology.
    1. Focus on Topics with High Weightage: You should focus on preparing for high weightage topic as this can help you to get more marks. Additionally, it will help save time for revision and strengthen your preparation for the most important chapters.
    2. Take Mock & Test Series: After brushing up thoroughly on the entire course of biology, you should try the NEET Test & mock test, which you can adopt at various stages during your preparation, as it will help you to evaluate your preparation level and improve your score.
    3. Solve Previous Year Question Papers: Solve NEET previous year papers to get a clear understanding and to ease yourself into the exam pattern. Focus on the frequently asked questions, topics and chapters. This is one of the best and most effective ways to prepare for an exam.

    I hope these few simple tips help you in the long run ! Motivation is something that will be there occasionally but not always. It’s up to you and you alone to push yourself into the books. After all, studying is to help you and nobody else.

    !!! ... Good luck ... !!!!

    Exam Pattern

     NEET – UG will have a total of 180 multiple choice questions with four choices & a single correct answer and will be of 720 marks. In Biology section, 90 questions will be asked from class XI & XII NCERT syllabus. For each correct answer, a candidate will get four marks & for each wrong answer, one mark will be deducted from the total marks.

    Time management

    You have a total of 180 minutes to answer 180 questions for the entire paper, but not necessarily only 1 minute per question because each question has a different difficulty level.

    Anjit Academy has always made a point to tell you whether you are answering every question within the ideal time or time, how much wasted effort you put in, whether due to lack of knowledge or carelessness and your weak concepts To help you identify them so that you can practice them to improve your score.

    Other Important Tips

    And last but not the least, Be positive and don't lose faith in yourself; Every little bit of time is precious. If they need your help, contact with Us.

    For more Information

    And last but not the least, Be positive and don’t lose faith in yourself; Every little bit of time is precious. If they need your help, contact with Us.

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    Tips to Consider while Attempting JEE-Main Exam

    Tips to Consider while Attempting JEE-Main Exam

    I am sharing how I learnt from my mistakes and what I did in my IIT-JEE preparation. I’ll keep the answer concise, Do read this full and I am sure this will help you boost your JEE-Mains score.

    1. Read all the Questions in the Paper: It does not mean that you have to read the entire paper (90 Q’s) in the first 15 minutes but your approach should be such that you reach till the last question of the paper in the allotted 180 minutes duration.
    2. Attempt Easy Questions First: You should attempt easy questions first so that no time is wasted on pondering over the ones that you are doubtful of. After attempting all the easy ones, you can come back to the tougher ones in the end. It is likely that your brain will be hit with some Idea of those questions by then.
    3. Keep in your Mind is the Time Limit: The first and foremost point you have to keep in your mind is the time limit. Everyone can solve all the questions given sufficient time, but the challenge comes when you have to do so in the given 3 hours. The exam is for three hours, but don’t let it fool you into thinking that each subject is 1 hour. The question paper is always set in such a way that chemistry paper can be completed in 35 – 40 mins. This because you will need this extra time in Maths and Physics.
    4. Relieve stress during Exam: Do not be tensed during the exam for any reason. If you do not know a question, leave it and try it after some time. The chances are high that you will have a better chance at solving it after some time.
    5. Use Elimination Process: When you see MCQs, you don’t have to panic.  The hack elimination process here and using your brain is what you know is definitely not the right answer. This is sure to get you to the right answer.
    6. Maximize Attempts: Not by guess work but by adhering to the above points.

    To achieve the above, each student may have to hit upon a different idea/plan/approach for attempting the exam.

    All the best for your JEE-Mains !

    Other Important Tips

    Finally I would say, stay happy ! Don’t attach too much aggressive to exam. Whatever is the best for you, will happen ! Wishing you all the very best !

    For any Query

    Finally I would say, stay happy ! Don’t attach too much aggressive to  exam. Whatever is the best for you, will happen ! Wishing you all the very best !

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