10 Simple Habits To Boost Your Memory & Brain Power

In today’s fast-paced world, everybody is busy in their work without taking rest to become successful. We are performing multiple tasks at the same time to avoid the wastage of time.

Among all these tasks you don’t even understand that your health is facing harmful results. One of the bad effects is that it weakens your memory power.


How can we increase/boost our memory power?

Following are the 10 most important solutions which should be involved in your daily routine to boost up your memory power:-

  1. Eating habits: You could solve the problems related to weak memory by following healthy eating habits. You can change or add some items to daily food which could help you to improve your memory.
  • Our brain needs glucose constantly which can be received by grains, green leafy vegetables, and colorful fruits. If the glucose level declines, you start getting confused. So add all these items in your daily food.
  • Eat ample of citrus fruits because they have vitamin C which is very useful in recovering the problem of memory lapse.
  • Nuts and seeds can also be a great supplement for the problem. Almonds have amazing results in increasing memory.
  • All green vegetables, especially broccoli and spinach should be added to your diet.
  • Drink more milk as it will result in better concentration power, learning ability, retain memories, etc. So make it habit to drink milk at least one time a day.
  • Have tea at least one time a day. Tea has a little amount of caffeine, which enhances memory power. Make sure you are using tea leaves not powdered tea because powdered tea is not that much effective.
  • All colorful/seasonal fruits should be there with your daily food.
  1. Get organized: It is more apparent that you forget things when you don’t have a synchronized or planned schedule for your daily tasks. So start getting organized.
  • Firstly, make a timetable which you have to follow daily. Write down the tasks which you have to perform so that it will be in your mind.
  • Writing down information can help you memorize them easily and also increase your memory level.
  1. Get proper night’s sleep: A good night’s sleep plays an important role consolidate all the memories. You need at least 7-8 hours’ sleep daily. Your brain thinks well when you are rested. A relaxed brain can focus more and store information which can be used in future.
  • A proper night’s sleep can help you at work or study time. You won’t feel sleepy at day time, which help you get rid of confusions.
  • Scientists say that when you sleep, your memories and information shift to the permanent side of the brain.
  1. Master some good skills: Studies say that if your mind is engaged in some skills in which you have mastered or we can say that if you have a good hobby then you should use your spare time in practicing that hobby.
  2. Learn before sleeping: The best way to store a memory is to experience or undergo the information or data before you go to bed.
  3. Exercise more: You can choose any workout like swimming, dancing, stretching, running, cycling, etc. These exercises should be done at least for 30 minutes a day.
  •  While exercising nerve cells multiplies and proteins are released which helps with a constant and healthy flow of blood. As a result, brain gets required fuel on time which makes it work efficiently.
  1. Stay mentally active/ Play brain games: To stay mentally fit you should play some games that get your brain engaged. It can be treated as a mental exercise which could help boost your memory and your brain will remain in good shape and mental state.
  2. Meditation: According to studies, it is proved that the brain and its memory power start to decline in your twenties and then it continuously declines.
  • The meditation releases positive energies which are necessary to improve your learning skills, memory power and improves mental health.
  1. Avoid multitasking: You should avoid multitasking for the healthy working of your brain. As you are busy with your work schedule and this lead you to do a lot of work at the same time. But this results in making you prone to making errors, getting confused between them, and thus you develop forgetfulness.
    1. Balance your stress: Stress is the most dangerous reason for you to damage the capacity of your brain to store and retrieve data and information. It can be considered as the worst enemy of human. It destroys the brain cells which cannot lead you to permanent memory loss.

    These were some simple activities and methods which you can follow in your daily lives to keep your mind healthy and relaxed. So if you’re serious about improving your memory, go and start including these activities in your daily habits.  

    I hope these points will help you... !!! Best of luck for your future !!!

    Did you know what your Memory is all about? Read Below…

     If we talk about memory and its importance for human beings, we can look for the facts described by the doctors that Human brain is the most difficult and multifaceted structure. According to them: –

    • Among all the vertebrates, the brain is the most important part.
    • It weighs about 1.5 kg and consists of 80% water, 10-12% fatty lipids and 8% protein.
    • It’s the center of our nervous system. It allows them to accumulate all the data and information, send them to all body parts to follow the instruction and also store them as Memory for the future implementation.
    • The human brain is just 2% of the whole body weight.
    • It uses 20-25% of the body’s nutrition, glucose, and oxygen as supplements, which are supplied with the help of continuous blood flow.

    What are the reasons for Memory lapses/ weakening?

    The most important reason of poor memory power is that you are not organized in the tasks which you perform in your daily life. You are not following a systematic lifestyle or schedule of your works.

    • Habit of taking too much medicine like sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medications, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and painkillers can result in memory lapses.
    • Depression is one of the main reasons which can leave a negative effect on your memory. It can cause problems like lack of attention, concentration etc.
    • Stressful lifestyle can also be a reason for poor memory.
    • Sometimes anger could be a reason for the lack of memory. Anger leads you to get irritated and so become confused.
    • If you ignore your emotional side of nature, this will also lead to memory loss. To being normal you have to give importance to your emotions.
    • One of the main reasons is getting addicted to drugs and alcohol.
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