Important Chapters & Topics of Physics for CBSE Class 12th Board Exam 2021
At exam time CBSE class 12th, related students are highly viewed under stress and performance pressure. As it is the duration of the academic session that affects the performance of the students to a great extent. It is important for them to shift their regular approach of study to a data-based calculative approach. Therefore, like other subjects, the marking for CBSE class 12th board exam can be done through the weightage based important chapters and topics of physics, the most profound way to excel in physics.
Students who could not study for the whole year due to some reasons due to illness etc., should try to prepare important chapters and physics subjects for CBSE class 12th board exam. He carries a 43% marking weight, which helps you get at least 33% passing mark. These important chapters are –
- Ch-14 Semi-Conductor carrying 7 Marks
- Ch-11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Ch-13 Nuclei having a marking weightage of 8 Marks
Ray Optics which is the 9th chapter and can add 8 marks to your score. And if you get some more time then you should try to cover few topics of Ch-10 Wave Optics with marking breakup as mentioned below-
- Derivation of young double slit experiment & Numerical based – 3 Marks
- Huygens’s principle – 1, 2 Marks
- Explanation of reflection, Refraction by Huygens principle – 2, 3 Marks
- Polarisation – 3 Marks
In case you want to add few more marks to your CBSE class 12th board result of physics paper, then you should target Ch-1 Electric Charges & Field, Ch-2 Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance, and Ch-3 Current Electricity which carries 16 Marks.
Marking Weightage:
Although the CBSE board have released the blueprint of the class 12th board physics syllabus, it is hard to locate and understand the marking weightage of the involved topics. Therefore to help you prepare and target your CBSE class 12th board examination 2021, we are mentioning below the expected marks breakup.
Electric charge and field
Electric potential and capacitance
Current electricity
Moving charge and magnetism
Matter and Magnetism
Electromagnetic induction
Alternating current
Electromagnetic wave
Ray optics
Wave optics
Dual Nature of Radiation & Matter
There is nothing special in the world. Nothing magic. Just physics.
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